
Get A Book Funnel

Start building your author platform now even you have no technical knowledge. You get a book funnel setup to promote your book and capture leads. You can promote your book funnel on social media, paid advertisement, Press release etc. Make must out of your book marketing campaign.

3 Benefits of Having A Book Funnel

Sell More Books

You can sell more books if you set up a system that provides value to your readers before presenting your offer.

Build A List

Direct marketing is more effective than any other form of marketing. Building a list is not expensive as you might think.

Build Your Personal Brand

Tell your story, build a close relationship with your readers. Sell additional services and products along with your book.

Bookllo or Bookllo Publishing is a book publishing company that focuses on helping authors with self-publishing their book and marketing. Their goal is to help anyone with a story to tell or knowledge to share with the world get attention. Bookllo Publishing help writer to build a strong personal branding as an author, to become influencer and authority figure in their niche.

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